
Our Mission

The Minnesota Deaf Muslim Community (MDMC) is committed to ensuring effective access to communication, education, and resources for individuals who are Deaf, Deaf Plus and Hard of Hearing which will lead to overall self-sufficiency and a better quality of life. MDMC seeks to empower underserved members of the community by increasing access to employment, job skills, leadership skills and entrepreneurship opportunities. As individuals increase their skills, they will train others in need. MDMC provides access to community resources through the use of American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters. MDMC provides Alternative Literacy Support in a variety of settings, mainly school and work settings, which gives clients explicit access to written English. This organization has been established to provide relief to Deaf, Deaf Plus and hard of hearing individuals who are underprivileged and underserved and to defend the rights of those individuals as secured by law.
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Our Vision

A society of empowered Deaf, Deaf Plus and Hard of Hearing individuals who have equitable and effective access to community and natural resources.

Our History

MDMC’s founders have been working with the DHH community since 2010 to improve quality of life for and meet the unique needs of each individual they serve. MDMC as an organization was officially established in 2013 and focused on providing pro bono access to community services and resources through American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters, including interpreting Friday prayers at a local mosque in North Minneapolis. After surveying the community, MDMC found that many of the people served use a variety of sign languages, and have never shared a common language even within their families. MDMC then began providing pro bono access to family events, weddings, funerals, reunions, and many other settings where Deaf community members had never before had access. Next, Deaf socials were established to further decrease the social isolation felt among Deaf community members. Since that time, MDMC has expanded the services offered to include Alternative Literacy Support, Social Justice and Disability Justice Workshops, the Deaf Gain Innovations Program, and advocacy support.
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